Parents must supply the following items depending on age and need:
Basic Supplies: Diapers, (if potty training, we require Pull-Ups with the Velcro side closures) wipes, creams/ointments, and pacifier; bottles, sippy cups, and water bottles labeled with your child's name; bibs for each feeding, 3 complete changes of spare clothing (which will be sent home for laundering if soiled), sunscreen, and bug spray, if desired. Utensils should be supplied from home, with the exception of children receiving hot lunch from our lunch provider.
Clothing, Sheets & Blankets: 3 complete changes of spare clothing (which will be sent home for laundering if soiled). Teachers will notify parents when clothing should be updated to accommodate the changing seasons. Carousel provides sheets and blankets that are sent home for laundering every Friday or as needed. They should be returned on Monday morning.
All personal belongings should be labeled with your child's name.
Carousel of Learning has an ongoing fundraiser with
Mabel's Labels!
Click on the photo to the left or
Go to Mabels Labels: Support a fundraiser.
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and start shopping!
Call us now to learn more about what supplies you’ll be needing!
244 Kingston Rd Parsippany, NJ 07054